Ian Coulls, The complete and utter truth about the world and everything in it, poet, Ginninderra Press, Something Else, music, Enterprise Recordings

Ian Coulls, short stories, writer, poet, utter truth



                                                                                                                                       Have car, will travel




A collection of dark-humoured short stories, sometimes whimsical, sometimes passionate, about a variety of relationships set in different times and cultures. The stories tell of things going wrong in the pursuit of pleasure, a child's understanding of suicide, wanting someone who doesn't want you, infidelity, an adolescent girl and her changing relationship with her family, the conflict of love and lust with social status in times gone by, how to discuss what happens when people take their clothes off, and Planet Earth as seen by an alien.

Home and local community presentations can be negotiated.

   Available through:    manager@holdenhillmedia.com.au


published by
Ginninderra Press

This is Ian Coulls’s second collection of short stories. They tell of someone having it in for you in a foreign country, violence in the education system, navigation under difficult circumstances in a large city, becoming part of history in a rural community, drinking in the education system, how people can resemble seagulls after the demise of a loved one, the resolution of differences of opinion in the family, how old ladies can make you feel foolish when you’ve been drinking, the family that preys together stays together, how some people can behave inappropriately when others take their clothes off, more violence in the education system, and heavenly copulation on a celestial level.

Ginninderra Press:     https://www.ginninderrapress.com.au/store.php?catalog/search/Ian+Coulls/date/1

            or                    Amazon

       Danse macabre
published by
         Ginninderra Press

       On the Road to Somewhere Else 
published by
                                Ginninderra Press

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In Bookends, his third book of short stories, the man who wrote The Complete and Utter Truth about the World and Everything In It and Where the Hell is Heaven? once again paints life and death, love and betrayal, honesty and deception. Mostly he portrays people and their relationships, and at times his dark sense of humour offers unflattering insights into the male psyche.

Reflecting a lifetime of travel and people from everywhere, Ian Coulls's stories are drawn from Western, Middle Eastern and Far Eastern cultures.

Ginninderra Press:     https://www.ginninderrapress.com.au/store.php?catalog/search/Ian+Coulls/date/1

            or                    Amazon

Ginninderra Press:     https://www.ginninderrapress.com.au/store.php?catalog/search/Ian+Coulls/date/1

            or                    Amazon


Poetry... This book is a compilation of writings by a man who often describes himself as ‘white trash with a bit of education’. It reflects his travels and lifetime observation of people, relationships, societies and their cultures.

Ginninderra Press:     https://www.ginninderrapress.com.au/store.php?catalog/search/Ian+Coulls/date/1

            or                    Amazon